1. What is Trident Military Cigars?
Trident Military Cigars is a veteran-owned cigar company dedicated to providing high-quality, hand-rolled, new world cigars. We have a strong commitment to both the military community and cigar enthusiasts.
2. How do you ensure the quality of your cigars?
Quality is our priority. We work closely with experienced cigar artisans and conduct rigorous quality control to ensure every cigar meets our standards.
3. Are your cigars only for military personnel?
Not at all! Our cigars are for everyone who appreciates the craftsmanship and flavours of premium cigars. While we have a deep respect for the military, our cigars are enjoyed by cigar enthusiasts from all walks of life.
4. Where can I buy Trident Military Cigars?
You can purchase our cigars directly from our website. We offer a range of cigar options to suit various tastes and preferences. We are also in several shops across the UK
5. What is your shipping and delivery policy?
You can find detailed information about our shipping options, delivery times, and policies on our website’s shipping page.
6. What makes your cigars special?
Our cigars are hand-rolled with precision and care, ensuring a superior smoking experience. We also take pride in our commitment to supporting veterans and military charities.
7. Do you offer cigar accessories?
Yes, we do. In addition to our cigars, we offer a selection of high-quality cigar accessories, including punches and lighters, to enhance your smoking experience.
8. Can I request custom cigar labels for special occasions or events?
Absolutely! We offer custom cigar labels for special events, celebrations, or corporate gifting. Contact us for more information on customizing your cigars.
9. How do you support veterans and military charities?
For every box of cigars sold, we donate 10% of our box sales to veteran-run charities. We are also involved in funding one-to-one therapy sessions and PTSD awareness training to support those who have served.
10. What is the best way to enjoy a Trident Military Cigar?
The best way to enjoy our cigars is in good company, whether that’s with friends, family, or fellow cigar enthusiasts. Find a comfortable spot, savor the flavors, and take a moment to unwind.
11. Can I sign up for your newsletter or stay connected on social media?
Absolutely! We encourage you to join the covenant to stay updated on our latest offerings and charitable initiatives. You can also connect with us on social media to be part of the Trident Military Cigars community.
12. How can I get in touch with Trident Military Cigars for additional questions?
You can reach out to us through our website’s contact page, or send an email to [email protected]. We’re here to assist you with any inquiries or concerns.